Free cycle parking when you buy coffee
PopUp Bikes cafe, run by a GMCC member, is Manchester’s staffed, indoor cycle parking facility
PopUp Bikes cafe, run by a GMCC member, is Manchester’s staffed, indoor cycle parking facility
GMCC campaigner Vincent Walsh reports on the city’s most compact hire scheme
Read Spring Pothole 2012: 20 is plenty; safe cycling for children bill; workplace parking facilities; Things ain’t what they use to be; A Dane cycles in Manchester; Cycling and the Alexander Technique; Zen and the art of cycle campaigning.
GMCC responds to Traffords Cycle Parking Consultation, February 2012
Steve Bowater has been contacting GMPTE about their cycle lockers, highlighting where improvements can be made. This positive approach is producing results, with GMPTE now asking Steve for information on preferred sizes and types, and for advice with a trial of new lockers at the recently rebuilt Salford Central station.
GMCC are highlighting the inadequate cycle parking provision that exists in Trafford, and pointing out the urgent need for proper guidelines to specify the type of cycle parking provision required for Long-Stay (Lockers) and Short-stay (Sheffield stands) at new developments. The 2002 Greater Manchester Cycle Parking Guidelines, which Trafford MBC would have helped produce, included […]