Trafford shows where there’s a will there’s a Way
When it comes to creating routes for leisure cycling, ‘where there’s a will, there’s a way’ – as shown by the project to resurface the Bridgewater Canal towpath between Altrincham and Trafford Park.
When it comes to creating routes for leisure cycling, ‘where there’s a will, there’s a way’ – as shown by the project to resurface the Bridgewater Canal towpath between Altrincham and Trafford Park.
GMCC responds to Traffords Cycle Parking Consultation, February 2012
Cyclists, Trafford cycle and neighbourhood forums need you! Paul Beckett leaves with thanks for his dedicated work as cycling officer. Trafford’ s next event: Bicycle Village on 22/05. Recent campaign successes.
Richard Alderson has been busy representing GMCC on the Trafford cycle forum along with Ernie Buck. He has been successful in getting a greater voice for the GMCC and cyclists generally, when inputting into technical meetings and road infrastructure proposals.
GMCC are highlighting the inadequate cycle parking provision that exists in Trafford, and pointing out the urgent need for proper guidelines to specify the type of cycle parking provision required for Long-Stay (Lockers) and Short-stay (Sheffield stands) at new developments. The 2002 Greater Manchester Cycle Parking Guidelines, which Trafford MBC would have helped produce, included […]