Metrolink proposes second city crossing
Second Metrolink line across Manchester City Centre between Deansgate and Victoria via Cross Street proposed.
Second Metrolink line across Manchester City Centre between Deansgate and Victoria via Cross Street proposed.
Cyclists and disability campaigners demand ramp to preserve access to national traffic-free route at Didsbury where a Metrolink station is under construction.
John Franklin, Cycling Skills and Safety Consultant considers how to plan for a safe cycle friendly city.
The deadline for responses to the public consultation (but not the referendum) on the TIF (Transport Innovation Fund) bid, for the introduction of congestion charging after substantial investment in public transport enhancements, closes on Friday, 10th October. Make sure you respond to have your say, on something which seems to have stirred passions on both […]
GMCC regularly monitors council plans. This month Dick Venes looked at ten Traffic Management Unit schemes presented by Manchester City Council Traffic Management Unit, including three related directly to cycling: a proposed new off-road cycling facility along the Princess Parkway from Wilbraham Road to Claremont Road (looks good); an extension to part of the Manchester Cycleway […]
The new CycleGM route maps which replaced the old CycleCity Guides map show another omission on Heaton Golf course, where a right of way is missing.
The GMPTE is proposing changes in parking and cycling provision for Upper Chorlton Road and Brooks’s Bar Junction. Upper Chorlton Road is used by large numbers of cyclists, particularly in the morning and afternoon peak periods and Brooks’s Bar is one of the busiest junctions in the area.
This is Irlam Lock, a very convenient passage for walkers and cyclists who want to cross the Manchester Ship Canal between Salford and Trafford. Unfortunately, like the Gorsey Bank Bridge, Irlam Lock hasn’t made it onto the council produced CycleGM maps. Why this is we don’t know, and the omissions don’t end here… (to be […]
Manchester councils can be so eager to create new cycling routes – so as to be seen to be Doing Something To Encourage Cycling – that they completely forget the ones they already have. So it is with the Manchester Airport Orbital Cycle Route, which for part of the year turns into bramble-choked obstacle course. […]
Proposed Highway Code rule 58 may force cyclists to “use cycle routes when practicable and cycle facilities … where they are provided”. This rule will benefit drivers’ insurance companies fighting cyclists’ claim and will be to the detriment of cyclists choosing not to use dangerous or inadequate cycle lanes.