GMCC Structure
Honorary Secretary: Olly Glover honsec at Olly’s role is to co-ordinate and lead the different strands of the campaign. His top priorities for his year in office are: to improve the structures and processes of the Campaign; to boost its profile and membership; and to make sure the Campaign has a set of objectives, both long and short-term, to give our campaigning work direction. |
Treasurer & Membership Secretary: Ted Lawson treasurer at Ted has performed these two mundane, but essential, roles for the Campaign for many years aided by a small team of helpers: Paul, Mark and Steve. Thanks to them all. Ted also works on the GMCC website. |
Pothole newsletter editor and External campaigns & partnerships facilitator: Dan Cadden nl at partnerships at Dan has taken on the role of refreshing our already popular newsletter, Pothole. His priorities are to ensure that an edition is produced at regular intervals, and to broaden the content and appeal of the publication. As external campaigns and partnerships facilitator Dan will be forging links with other transport /environment-related groups in the region. |
Media officer: Vincent Walsh media at Vincent acts as our principal point of contact with the media, drafting press releases and appearing on local TV and radio from time to time. For Vincent, cycling has been a lifelong passion. His moto is, to paraphrase Descartes, “I cycle therefore I am.” |
Public transport facilitators: Steve Bowater and Chris Trueblood publictransport at Steve and Chris facilitate campaigns which focus on the relationship between cycling and modes of public transport. Current campaigning work includes pressing for a commitment on cycle carriage on Metrolink, cycle parking at railway stations and carriage of bicycles on trains.At the heart of this campaigning workstream is the principle that integrating cycling with public transport can greatly increase the accessibility of public transport, reducing people’s dependence on the car, greatly increasing light/heavy rail catchment areas and reducing social exclusion. |
Cycle training and awareness facilitator: Ernie Buck awareness at Ernie’s objectives are improving road users’ awareness of cyclists. This includes promoting awareness training with bus and taxi drivers. On the other side of things, he campaigns for more cycle training, for both children and adults, using his extensive knowledge and experience of cycle training, which he delivers via the Manchester-based BikeRight! organisation. |
Planning and infrastructure facilitators: Richard Alderson and Dick Venes planning at Richard and Dick are long-standing members of the Campaign. In this role, they ensure that cyclists’ views are taken into account in development of cycling and road schemes in the various metropolitan boroughs.They campaign for greater representation and consultation of GMCC across Greater Manchester, as the voice of the cyclist. They are assisted by members in other boroughs, notably Steve Bowater in Trafford; Rod Whitworth in Oldham and Tameside; and Ted Lawson in Stockport. |