Take action now: Save Oxford Road cycleways!
Any new cycling infrastructure must be of the highest possible quality to ensure people of all ages and abilities are able to cycle in safety. The Oxford Road corridor is Manchester’s busiest cycling route so it deserves a flagship scheme with dedicated cycleways that minimise conflict with pedestrians and motorised traffic.
Manchester Cycle Forum was informed on Tuesday 28th June 2016 that “re-designs” were being considered for three locations – and all three of these re-designs would make the route less safe for people cycling. Designs from September 2015, as published on TfGM’s website following extensive consultations, show that safe cycleways can be accommodated throughout the route. More details are available in this post, including comparison of the original and re-designed proposals.
Greater Manchester Cycling Campaign strongly believes that the original designs should be reinstated at all three locations. If you agree then please share your views with Manchester City Council by emailing Simon Massey directly or just use the form below – enter your name and email address then click send. You may edit the default text if you wish – please do if there’s anything you’d like to alter or add.
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