Data maps and (test) strategic maps
2018 maps to show support for Made To Move
Data maps:
TfGM and Sustrans cycling routes
Greater Manchester Cyclescape Map
GM cycling and walking to school 2011
GM stats19 injury collisions including cycles (with walking) (Old 2012 map)
GMCC crash-map showing serious injury and fatal collisions including cycles or pedestrians
Network maps:
City-Centre Primary Cycleway Ideas
Suggestions to enhance Chorlton 20mph scheme
NCN62 Trans-Pennine Trail – suggestions for NCN621 parallel sections
Phase 1 routes from Greater Manchester’s Cycle City Ambition Grant
Phase 1 routes from Greater Manchester’s Cycle City Ambition Grant – with GMCC suggestions
Strategic Cycle Map for Greater Manchester (work in progress featuring routes mapped to date)
Strategic Cycle Map for Greater Manchester (as above but on a fixed width map)
Strategic Cycle Map for Greater Manchester (all tracks, including superseded etc)
Early example – Bury & Oldham routes (WordPress OpenStreetMap plugin)
Early example – Irk Valley routes (WordPress OpenStreetMap plugin)
Old mapping test page (OpenLayers, Gmaps & GFusion)