Manchester Cycle Forum Tuesday 9th Sept
Manchester Cycle Forum
Date: 9th September 2014
Time: 17:30 – 19:30
Venue: The Town Hall, Committee Room 4 – Please use the Lloyd Street entrance.
1. Welcome and Introductions (5 Minutes)
2. Minutes and matters arising from previous meetings (5 Minutes)
3. Purpose of the meeting- ‘A voice for everyone’ (10 Minutes)
4. Future Transport Strategy- (JB) (15 Minutes)
5. Infrastructure (60 Minutes)
– Velocity and LSTF Sustainable Access to Regional Centre (JB/RR)
– Cross City Bus: Oxford Road Bus Priority Scheme (DB)
– Second City Crossing: Cycling provision
– Cycle Safety Fund: Wilbraham / Wilmslow Rd Cycle Signals – (SM)
6. Enforcement (15 Minutes)
– Pavement parking (IG)
7. Any Other Business (10 Minutes)
Next Meeting (Tuesday December 9th, 2014. Venue TBA)