Aims & Objectives
Overall aim
The strategy’s overall aim is to:
Increase cycle use in Greater Manchester by ensuring that cycling is promoted as a cheap, healthy, sustainable transport choice within local authority strategies, schemes and programmes: and;
Increase cycle use in Greater Manchester for all types of trips including, commuting, local and leisure.
The Objectives for this cycling strategy are:
Objective 1
To develop and ensure the maintenance of a safe, convenient, efficient and accessible cycle network utilising on and off road facilities that will help to encourage greater and more widespread cycle use.
Objective 2
To reduce the actual and perceived dangers faced by cyclists.
Objective 3
To ensure that cycling is promoted as a transport mode that can have a positive effect on a shift away from the private car particularly for short trips
Objective 4
To ensure transport and land-use developments enhance facilities for cyclists and within the Council’s hierarchy of road users policy address possible conflict between cyclists, other vulnerable road users and motorised vehicles.