Consultations and responses
VéloCity 2025 Summary
Vision document
Business case
Spokes map
2013 GMCC letter of support.pdf
20141127 GMCC response to draft DfT CWDP.pdf
20141210_CampaignGroupsCCAGLetterToDfT.pdf – Response1.pdf
Oxford Road and Wilmslow Road corridor – PDF of entire route (12/2014)
Bus Priority section (Portland Street to Moss Lane East)
consultation files
20130712 GMCC BusPriority Letter.pdf
20141221 GMCC OxfordRoad TROs response.pdf
Rusholme section (Moss Lane East to Dickenson Road, aka Curry Mile)
consultation website – consultation files
Wilmslow Road sections (Dickenson Road to Barlow Moor Road)
consultation website – consultation files
20150102 GMCC WilmslowRoadCycleway response.pdf – MCC Reply
Cheetham Hill Road Cycleway – consultation website – consultation files
Originally part of Prestwich Cycleway so see 20140918_GMCC_PrestwichCityViewCycleway_response.pdf
20150102 GMCC CheethamHillRoadCycleway response.pdf
Prestwich Cycleway – consultation website – consultation files
20140918 GMCC PrestwichCityViewCycleway response.pdf
20141130 GMCC Prestwich Cycleway response.pdf – MCC reply.pdf
Airport Cycleway – consultation website – consultation files
20141130 GMCC Airport Cycleway response.pdf – MCC reply.pdf
Mersey Valley & Stockport Cycleway – MCC website – consultation files
20140217 GMCC ManchesterRd Stockport Response.pdf
The Bridgewater Cycleway – consultation files
20140725 GMCC BridgewaterCycleway response.pdf
Ashton Canal Cycleway – consultation files
MediaCityUK and Quays Cycleway
East Didsbury Cycle Link – consultation website
Stockport Town Centre Access Plan – consultation website – consultation files
MCC website text:
We’re re-shaping our region to make cycling part of our culture, connecting Greater Manchester’s 2.7million residents to their schools, shops, work and leisure spots while cutting noise and pollution.
We already have some great cycling facilities – but not enough, and they’re not well connected. These ‘better by cycle’ projects, underway across Greater Manchester, will help fix that: joining up routes, making them safer, and getting more people cycling.
Originally called ‘Vélocity 2025′ this £20million project is a brilliant, ambitious vision for cyclists, inspired by our partnerships with local groups and organisations such as British Cycling, Sustrans and the CTC (Cyclists’ Touring Club).
Airport Cycleway
This route would create and improve cyclepaths and links between the airport’s new developments and nearby homes, connecting with Wythenshawe hospital, the town centre and industrial estates. It would link with other proposed cycle routes on surrounding roads, making a continuous cycle route linking to the Bridgewater Canal Cycleway and the popular Regional Cycle Route 85 – an established route round the airport.
Prestwich Cycleway
Rather than taking a direct route to town, this goes through Heaton Park and along quiet roads and off-road cyclepaths to create a new cycle link from Prestwich and Heaton Park through Blackley, Crumpsall and the Irk Valley. A link to Alan Turing Way feeds into an existing, largely trafffic-free orbital cycle route.
Cheetham Hill Road Cycleway
We would create new cycle lanes on the approach to Queens Road junction, and a traffic-light by-pass for cyclists going north past Manchester Fort. At New Bridge Street we intend to change the traffic island to create southbound cycle lanes and a shared cycleway-footpath over the railway to Corporation Street.
Bridgewater Canal Cycleway
This route would complete the cycle route along the Bridgewater Canal into the basin with improved connections to Manchester City Centre through the junction of Deansgate and Whitworth Street.
Wilmslow Road Cycleway
This would be an improved on-the-road, mostly segregated cycle route from central Manchester to Didsbury Village and West Didsbury with links to the Trans Pennine Trail, to East Didsbury, the Mersey Valley, Stockport and Cheadle.
We’ve also previously shared information and gathered comments on two smaller local improvements to cycleways, paths and roads – around East Didsbury and the Mersey Valley. We’re incorporating comments we got into those proposals.