Stockport CUG – Town Centre Access Package
Stockport Cycle User Group (CUG) Town Centre Access Package (TCAP) Drop-in session
Wednesday Sept 10th, 5pm to 7:45pm
Stockport Town Hall, Meeting Room 6
Considering the scale of the proposals, and the potential impact on cycling, a decision has been taken to make this meeting part of the public consultation. Colleagues generally undertaking TCAP consultation will lead at a CUG ‘drop-in’ session on Wednesday September 10th starting at 5pm.
This CUG will provide the key opportunity to discuss cycling aspects of the TCAP – you are strongly encouraged to attend. The extra time available compared to normal meetings will allow a steady flow of CUG members to view the available. For further information please e-mail or contact Don Naylor on 0161 474 4593 / 07800 618145, e-mail:
Wider public consultation on the TCAP begins on Monday September 8th.
This general consultation will close on October 17th.
On-line consultation materials are available at:
Update: There are 11 pages and 45 PDF drawings on StockportMBC’s website. Download as 20MB zip file.
General public consultation ‘drop-in’ sessions will be held on:
Saturday 20th September, 10am – 4pm, former Kiss clothing shop, 76-78 Princes Street, Stockport, SK1 1RW
Friday 26th September, 10am – 4pm, former Kiss clothing shop, 76-78 Princes Street, Stockport, SK1 1RW
Saturday 27th September, 10am – 4pm, former Kiss clothing shop, 76-78 Princes Street, Stockport, SK1 1RW
Friday 3rd October, 10am – 8pm, Committee Rooms 1 and 2, Stockport Town Hall, SK1 3XE
Dates for future CUG meetings (normal formats, 6pm starts):
CUG technical sub-group meeting Weds October 10th; CUG main meeting Thurs November 13th.