Labour conference #space4cycling ride 22/9/14
Ride with us to show your support and demand commitments
Ride with us to show your support and demand commitments
Whilst browsing through my twitter feed one afternoon I had something of a moment of clarity. Clarity is a rare thing to me so I decided to pay attention to it. Cycle lanes should be 2m wide. ‘How wide?’, yes, that’s the recommended width that we hardly ever get to see. Instead we get a […]
Oldham Council cycling forum, Wednesday 17th September from 6pm
Lots of plans released, public consultation until October 17th
Manchester Cycle Forum Date: 9th September 2014 Time: 17:30 – 19:30 Venue: The Town Hall, Committee Room 4 – Please use the Lloyd Street entrance. Directions: Background: Agenda 1. Welcome and Introductions (5 Minutes) 2. Minutes and matters arising from previous meetings (5 Minutes) 3. Purpose of the meeting- ‘A voice for everyone’ (10 […]