20mph limits coming soon to Manchester
A year after agreeing the principle Manchester Council is set to roll out 20mph limits. Cllr Bernard Priest, executive member for neighbourhood services, said: “We’ve committed to implementing a 20 mph speed limit on residential roads across the city and the first phase is due to start in the next few months when we set up three large areas where this will be in force.”
Area 1 (Gorton North & Gorton South)
Area 2 (Miles Platting & Newton Heath and Ancoats & Clayton)
Area 3 (Hulme – East side of A5103 Princess Road), Moss Side and Fallowfield.
The £500,000 cost of signage will come from public health monies subject to approval of a report to the Council Executive when it meets on 29 May. Traffic surveys will be carried out before and after the introduction of the limits to monitor results.
Rod King, Founder of 20’s Plenty for Us is delighted “This is not only good news for Manchester communities but for those throughout the country that can take Manchester’s positive steps as an example of how we can make all our places better places to be.”
Vincent Walsh
20’s Plenty for Manchester