Tameside cycling workshop 14th Feb from 4pm
This Cycling Workshop will look at how the new Local Plan can help improve cycling in Tameside.
It is being held on Thursday 14th February 2013 from 4pm to 6.15pm in Committee Room 2, Level One, Tameside Council, Ashton-under-Lyne (access from Wellington Road using the revolving door entrance).
The organisers’ state:
To make local cycling trips more convenient than the car, we need to offer a network based on the five essential criteria of safe, direct, coherent, attractive and comfortable routes for travel by bicycle.
The aim is to make it practical for more people to cycle, more often.
And we concur! If you have an interest in cycling in Tameside please attend to share your views, or get in touch with the organisers if you can’t make the meeting. Click here to download the PDF flyer.