Letter in the MEN about Pavement Parking

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GMCC member Richard Alderson wrote a letter about pavement parking to the Manchester Evening News.
It was featured as their main letter on 29/1/2013.

The text sent to the MEN was:

Endangered Pedestrian of Manchester blames cyclists for the risks of walking on our pavements (Viewpoint Tuesday Jan 22). Endangered Pedestrian even quotes an old Highways Act as being routinely flouted by cyclists. Whilst it is true that a few cyclists choose to ride on the pavement the number is insignificant compared to motorists that do the same by driving here and disobeying the ancient Act (a rule in the highway code).

Endangered Pedestrian goes on to complain that cyclists are using the quiet roads apparently without regard to pedestrians who are also using these routes. The main reason for this is that they are forced off the main routes by aggressive motorists. Unfortunately, it is on the quiet roads that motorists are obstructing both the pavements and the roads forcing cyclists to follow a less safe path.

The question all pedestrians should be asking of our police is why they are not prosecuting the owners of vehicles that are obstructing our pavements. After all detection is very easy using the vehicle registration number.

The shear number of vehicles illegally parked would, in the words of Endangered Pedestrian, raise a massive amount of money to pay for more officers. I urge all pedestrian users (and we are all pedestrians at some point) to ask the elected Councillors and the newly elected Police and Crime Commissioner, Tony Lloyd, to make our pavements clear and safer.

The Department for Transport helps us to challenge our Councillors and the Police and Crime Commissioner, it reports that “Parking on the pavement can cause inconvenience to pedestrians. It can create hazards for visually impaired, disabled and elderly people or those with prams or pushchairs. It may also cause damage to the kerb, the pavement, or the services underneath. Repairing such damage can be costly and local authorities may face claims for compensation for injuries received resulting from damaged or defective pavements.

Richard Alderson

Letter as publishedAs a response to:


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