20 is Plenty for Manchester residential streets
Manchester City Council is considering the feasibility of introducing a speed limit of 20mph in non-major residential roads.
To date the council has agreed that that the implementation of a city-wide 20mph speed limit on non-major residential roads, combined with a public information campaign and innovative inexpensive traffic calming, would have an immediate beneficial impact on accidents and fatalities in the City.
It has also directed officers to produce a report for the Executive on the feasibility of implementing a city-wide 20mph limit on all residential roads, excluding major routes as appropriate
Credit goes to councillors and campaigners who have got us this far. For more information on the Twenty’s Plenty campaign, see www.20splentyforus.org.uk
See also: Cycling Issues in Manchester (PDF 12.5 Mb) Notes from Manchester City Council Communities and Neighbourhoods Overview and Scrutiny Committee – 6 March 2012